What if true financial security isn’t found in wealth but in wisdom? Discover how reverence for God, generosity, and righteous living lead to lasting prosperity, while chasing riches brings emptiness. Will you choose wisdom or folly for your financial future?
Is work just a necessary evil, or could it be something far greater? This sermon explores how Proverbs challenges our view of work—not as a curse, but as an opportunity. Will you see work as idleness, idolatry, mere wages, or worship? Discover what wisdom says about your labor.
What if the key to a thriving family isn’t just love, but wisdom? Proverbs reveals two paths—one leading to life, the other to folly. How can parents teach, show, and correct their children in God’s ways? And how does honoring our parents shape our destiny?
Why do so many ignore wisdom and walk the path of folly? This sermon explores how true wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord—yet many choose deception instead. What are the consequences of rejecting wisdom, and how can we escape the trap of sin’s delusion?
What does it mean to truly fear the LORD? This sermon reveals that genuine reverence for God unlocks wisdom, instruction, and protection. By seeking understanding as one seeks treasure, we learn that fearing God transforms choices, guiding us toward a path of righteousness.
The transformative power of reconciliation is examined as a twofold journey: one of mending broken relationships with others by first reconnecting with God. Could your personal reconciliation with the divine be the key to healing your interpersonal bonds?
Are you racing around like Martha, or pausing at Jesus’ feet like Mary? This sermon unpacks why listening, learning, and being still before God must be our top priority. Explore how authentic discipleship shapes our daily choices and discover the life-changing power of simply being with Jesus.
Chaos abounds. Could the answer be a single command: "Stop"? Psalm 46 urges a pause in our anxiety, inviting us to know God as refuge, security, and peace. From Elijah’s whisper on the mountain to Jesus calming the storm, the call remains the same: "Be still."
God is making everything new - will you be part of it? This sermon dives into Revelation’s promise of renewal, unveiling the necessity of spiritual thirst and victorious living. Through communal worship, prayer, Scripture, baptism, and communion, you can claim transformation.
Ever wondered how to practice unceasing prayer, constant joy, and gratitude through life’s ups and downs? These notes challenge us to pause, reflect on God’s blessings, and unite as a church in persistent prayer as we look back and thank God for 2024.
What if you had to decide what truly matters? In Mark 12, Jesus reveals the greatest command: Love God with everything, and love others wholeheartedly. Yet, do we truly live this way? Discover who Jesus is, why love matters more than sacrifice, and what’s truly missing.
Who are we in Jesus' parable of the vineyard—faithful stewards or rebellious tenants? God has sent His Son, the cornerstone, to offer light and life. Will we embrace the truth or reject it? The kingdom is near—how will you respond to its call?
When pride divides and self-seeking reigns, what does true greatness look like? Jesus’s journey to the cross reveals a powerful model: greatness isn’t found in being served but in serving others. Will we follow His path of humility, or let pride keep us from His purpose?
Who is Jesus, really? Is He the "Son of God", fully divine, or the "Son of Man", fully human? Discover how the Gospel of Mark reveals His dual nature and why we desperately need the Son—God's ultimate gift to humanity. What does this mean for you?
Who is Jesus? A prophet, a teacher, or something far greater? Explore this life-changing question through Mark 8:27-38 and uncover how Jesus' identity shapes history, our worldview, and the very essence of discipleship. Are you ready to respond to the most important question?
What does it mean to find refuge in God when the world around us feels like it’s collapsing? Psalm 46 offers a powerful reminder of God’s unshakable presence, urging us to be still and trust Him. But how can we live this out daily?
Who defines your identity? Explore the stories of two kings—Herod and Jesus—and a crowd caught in the tension between truth and relevance. How does their response shape your own choice? Is Jesus merely a man, or is He your King and Savior?
In Mark 3, we see Jesus’ miraculous healings tested and his purpose questioned - yet he continues to bring wholeness, even as opposition rises. Is healing only about physical ailments, or could there be a deeper, more profound transformation Jesus offers?
Who do you say Jesus is? The crowds marveled at His teachings, His followers left everything behind, and even His critics recognized His authority to forgive sins. But mere proximity isn’t enough. Have you responded to His call for faith and forgiveness?
Three voices declare who Jesus is—John the Baptist, an unclean spirit, and even a voice from heaven—but what does this mean for us today? With authority over spirits and an invitation to follow, how should we respond to His call? Is the kingdom closer than we think?
Who do you say Jesus is? Mark’s Gospel presents Jesus as no ordinary man - He's the Messiah, the Son of God, whose arrival was foretold by prophets and confirmed by John the Baptist. But if Jesus is truly who He claims to be, how should we respond to this life-altering truth?
Are you living your life fully committed, or are you stuck in the in-between? Revelation 3:14-22 challenges us to confront spiritual indifference, urging us to choose—hot or cold, for or against. Discover what being "lukewarm" means and why this could be more dangerous than you think.
What if true joy isn't found in your circumstances but in something deeper? In Philippians 4:10-23, Paul reveals the secret to being content in every situation, whether in abundance or need. Could it be that joy is less about what we have and more about where we place our trust?
When aware he is close to passing, king David leaves his son three crucial commands before he dies: to work, to stay warm in relationships, and to walk closely with God. Could any of that be actually applicable to our lives today?
In a small church in Philippi, two women find themselves in conflict. The apostle Paul urges them to reconcile and work together. But is Paul’s advice actually a practical solution to deal with conflicts in our own lives and churches today?
Why should joy not depend on our circumstances but on a future promise? Discover how Paul's relentless pursuit, focusing not on his past but on the eternal prize, inspires us to adopt an attitude of joy.
Have we lost more than we've gained through the decades? Explore the transformative power of joy in the Lord, and contemplate the crucial choice between worldly confidence and spiritual fulfillment in Philippians 3:1-11. What truly matters most in your life?
Can true joy come from obedience, even when it demands the entirety of our hearts, souls, and minds? Discover how embracing this paradox in Philippians 2:12-30 can lead to a life of obedience and joy.
Can true joy be found in humility? Explore how a modest view of oneself, aimed at honoring God and prioritizing others, can liberate us from arrogance, timidity, and perpetual guilt to experience profound joy.
Have you ever faced unjust imprisonment, job loss, or heartbreak? How about rejection, financial strain, significant illness, or the death of a loved one? Discover how joy can be found in the midst of hardship and how God uses these trials for good. Are you ready to see hardship differently?
Ever wondered how joy can thrive even in dire circumstances? Dive into Philippians 1:1-11, where Paul, despite imprisonment and the threat of death, writes a profound message that describes the foundations of his joy-filled prayer and how it centers on gospel identity, partnership, and divine grace.
How can you find joy in every circumstance? This intro sermon lays the foundation for the Being Joyful Disciples series where we dig into the profound lessons from Paul's letter to the Philippians to learn how to find joy — whether in prayer, hardships, humility, obedience, or conflicts.
Can we fulfill the daunting task of sharing our faith alone? Discover how Jesus, with “all authority in heaven and on earth,” promises to accompany us, empowering us to proclaim the gospel and inspire repentance, faith, and the joy of eternal life. Ready to explore this divine partnership?
What if you could completely change your perspective in life by changing your attitude in the light of the Scriptures? Discover how Paul's teachings in 2 Corinthians 10:1-6 can help you guard and reframe your attitude in your journey as a follower of Christ.
What happens when we focus on our own wisdom, strength, and riches instead of understanding and knowing God? Dive into Jeremiah 9:23-24 and explore the consequences of our decisions, the balance of priorities, and the ultimate call to boast only in the Lord.
Do you know how to find joy amid suffering? Explore Habakkuk's journey from questioning God to embracing faith. Learn how remembering God's deeds, relying on prayer, and resting in His promises can transform despair into praise. Can you find peace when circumstances remain unchanged?
Can faith guide us through confusion and injustice? Dive into Habakkuk's intense dialogue with God, where his complaints about using a wicked nation to punish Judah lead to profound insights on faith, righteousness, and God's ultimate control. Discover how "the righteous shall live by faith" in a world full of woes.
Why does God allow injustice and violence to persist, and what is His response? Dive into Habakkuk's passionate plea and God's surprising plan involving a feared and ruthless nation. Discover how lament aligns our hearts with God and reveals His unceasing, limitless work in our world.
What happens when God's mercy clashes with human stubbornness? Dive into Jonah 4:1-11 to uncover a surprising twist in Jonah's story that challenges our understanding of justice, compassion, and divine mission. Where is your heart in this narrative?
What defines the true mission of the Church? Dive into a thought-provoking exploration of faith through Matthew 16:18 and 1 Corinthians 3:1-10, unveiling the core principles of confessing, building, and confronting the world with God's Kingdom.
Your family is an organisation, and every organisation should know and embrace its mission. What is your family's mission? What most families need is not to do more things, but to live out their calling as missionaries in the things they are already doing as a Family on Mission!
Have you ever wondered what your personal mission from God might be? Discover how God's purpose and your unique gifts align in His grand plan. Explore the calling that isn't about if you're sent, but where you're meant to serve.
What if three months could transform an entire nation? Dive into the prophetic journey of Haggai, who delivered God's powerful messages and saw a remarkable response from the people. Discover how a few words from God reshaped history and explore the timeless call to reflection, courage, and renewal.
Are you prioritizing your own comfort over God's work? Discover the powerful message in Haggai 1 and reflect on whether your spiritual temple is in ruins. Will you heed the call to rebuild and honor God, or continue to delay?
What if the key to finding comfort and purpose lies in the very people around us? Explore the profound insights from Ecclesiastes 4:1-12 on how community can transform our lives. Discover how God calls us to not only receive comfort and support but to actively offer it to others. How might embracing community change your perspective?
What do Baptism and the Lord's Supper signify in the Christian faith, and why did Jesus command these two practices? Explore the profound symbolism and significance behind these ordinances, marking the beginning and continuation of a believer's journey in faith.
What would it take for you to believe the impossible? Explore the astonishing events of that first Easter morning, where glances became deep understanding and disbelief turned into faith. Discover how a risen Jesus changed everything for Mary Magdalene, Peter, and John, and consider: what do you see in Jesus?
Jesus' cry, "It is finished" (John 19:30), marks a mysterious triumph. What does it mean to end his suffering, fulfill ancient prophecies, and achieve atonement for humanity? Uncover the depths of this profound declaration and its everlasting impact.
This life is not the end. Our future is mapped out. Heaven and hell are realities. This sermon helps us understand these and some more difficult topics as it dives into a very important belief: the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgement of all people by the Lord Jesus Christ.
Many (if not most) religions believe some form of salvation that is obtained through being good and following a set of rules. So why do we believe the necessity, in order to obtain salvation, of repentance towards God, and of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
Who is the Holy Spirit? What is His purpose and work? This sermon helps us understand the immediate work of the Holy Spirit in the regeneration of people, in their sanctification and in their preservation to the heavenly kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.
As church, we believe the salvation of people. But what does that even mean? Why do we need saving and what are we being saved from? This sermon helps us understand the penalty that lies over our shoulders, the gravity and eternal consequences of it, and what we should do about it.
Mankind believes itself to be intelligent, unstoppable, and inherently good. But what does the bible have to say about it? Drawing straight from scriptures, this sermon dives into why we believe the fallen, sinful and lost estate of all mankind, and what we should do about it.
For historians, He is an influential historical figure. For atheists, He is just another person. For other religions, He is a spiritiual teacher. But we believe the deity and incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God, the Second Person in the Holy Trinity.
What is the Trinity? And why is it important to believe in the Trinity? Drawing biblical references on the importance of the Trinity in our faith, this sermon brings a study on the existence of one God in three Persons - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
What we believe impacts who we are, what we say, and what we do. Do you believe the Scriptures? How can you be confident that they are inspired? This sermon answers this and many more questions about the divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Bible.
The world describes worship as having or showing a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god. But how does the bible define worship? Is it all about rituals and formality? Or is it all about powerful music? Drawing biblical straight from scriptures, this sermon helps us answer some of these questions.
“For we are not proclaiming ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves because of Jesus.” This sermon brings a comprehensive list of crucial lessons for people involved ministry. It is all about being a servant of Jesus - not about ourselves, not about self-promotion, but being a faithful servant of Jesus.
Who is Jonathan, son of King Saul? And what can we learn from his story? Drawing from the relationship between Jonathan and David, this sermon brings reflection on important principles of loyalty, friendship, faithfulness, and what that means for us today when doing life together as church.
What is your hope in this world? What are you genuinely racing towards? This sermon reflects on the importance of fixing your eyes on Jesus, while having confidence in Him, drawing near to God, holding unswervingly to the hope, spurring one another on, and not giving up meeting.
Where there is no vision, the people perish. They stumble all over themselves as they can't see what God is doing. What is your vision? Is Jesus in it? Stephen brings a word of encouragement to help us develop our spiritual eyesight and rethink our vision around God.
Jesus declares Himself to be the vine. His branches abind in Him. How do you know that you are one of his branches? How do you have confidence that you truly abind in Him? Pastor Adrian helps us understand what it means for Jesus to be the vine, the roles of the Father and the Holy Spirit, and what being a branch truly means.
Jesus declares Himself to be the good shepherd. He knows His sheep. He laid down His life for His sheep. He leads His sheep out into life. His sheep listen to His voice and follow Him. They enter the gate. They enjoy abundant life. They depend on their shepherd. Do you know Jesus as your shepherd? Pastor David helps us reflect.
Jesus declares Himself to be the light of the world. What kind of light is that and what does it expose? On this inspiring sermon, Pastor Adrian challenges us to reflect on sin confession and exposure, the importance of forgiving as we have been forgiven, and the role of the Holy Spirit in shining in the darkness.
Jesus declares Himself to be the bread of life. But what does that mean? On this inspiring sermon, pastor Dylan explores the importance and meaning of Jesus being the bread of life, the dangerous of spiritual starvation, and the eternal life implications of not feeding from the bread of life.
Closing up the Judges Series, pastor Dylan explores the life of Gideon and challenge us to reflect that merely crying out for help doesn't signify repentance; it requires action. The takeaway: address sin seriously, remembering a cry for help necessitates repentance; proclaim and disciple in the strength of the gracious and powerful God.
Who was Samson, the Nazarite judge? On this sermon, pastor David explores the key moments of Samson's life where his emotions led him astray, causing him to break his Nazarite vow and to face consequential outcomes. Samson's life is an important lesson on the impact of sin, and his failures lead us to reflect on our commitment and partnership with Jesus.
Who was Deborah, the strong a woman used by God? Drawing from this incredible account, Dylan draws many important lessons for us today: how God utilizes our trials for our good and His glory; how God has distinct plan and purpose for each individual; and the importance of being willing and available to hear God's plan and respond obediently.
Who was Jephthah? On this sermon, pastor David dives into the unlikely rise of Jephthah, a broken individual chosen by God for extraordinary purposes. His life story, a vivid example of redemption, demonstrates the importance of faith in God's grace, and why trying to bargain with God for His grace is futile.
Who was Ehud, also known as the left-handed judge? And what lessons can we learn from his story? On this sermon, pastor David takes us through the incredible (and graphic) account of the life of Ehud, the second judge of Israel, whom God used to deliver Israel from the pagan king Eglon.
Who was Othniel, the first judge of Israel, and why did the people of God need judges in the first place? On this sermon, Pastor David explores the vicious cycle of fall and restoration of the Israelites during the time of the Judges, starting from the first deliverer: Othniel.
Pastor Adrian brings us an introduction to the book of Judges drawing important lessons for us - warnings against compromising with the world, the dangerous of worldly gods and cultural commitments, the importance of multi-generational discipleship, God's faithfulness despite sin, and proclamation of the Gospel.
Guest speaker Joshua Lin bring us an inspiring sermon with a focus on the essential theme of trusting in God. Analyzing the journey of a group from statelessness to citizenship in Australia, the sermon draws parallels with the Israelites' journey to the Promised Land, emphasizing the need for faith and trust in God.
The world tells you to trust yourself and follow your heart. But what does the Bible have to say about it? On this inspiring sermon, pastor David examines the true nature of the heart from a biblical perspective, the dangers behind following your heart, and the practical ways of guarding your heart.
On this thought-provoking sermon, Dylan covers the dangers of prioritizing traditions and appearances over the Word of God. Challenging us to examine ourselves, the sermon explores many of the things that defile a person's heart, and how appearances can deceitfully hide the issues within.
People pray the best when they are at the end of their rope and there are no more options. But will they seek God the same way in times of piece and joy? On this inspiring sermon based on Matthew 6:33, pastor David challenges us to seek the Kingdom of God first in every circumstance.
Closing up the Rethinking Discipleship Conference, Rev Edmund Chan brings us a powerful message of encouragement based on Psalms 77. Key lessons: Bringing the Personhood of God into our perspective; bringing the Power of God into our plight; bringing the Purpose of God into our pilgrimage.
Closing up the Courage Series, pastor Adrian brings a powerful message about Jesus. With a focus on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross as the ultimate act of courage and obedience to God, this sermon challenges us to reflect on accepting God's will despite the cost.
Continuing the Courage Series, pastor David explores the life of Timothy, a courageous and godly young man mentored by Paul. Key points include the importance of mentorship and relationships like Barnabas (encourager), Paul (mentor), and Epaphroditus (peer), as well as the importance of passing the baton to the next generations.
On this instalment of the Courage Series, pastor David explores the life of Barnabas, highlighting his role during the birth of the church. Nicknamed "Son of Encouragement," Barnabas exemplified humility, generosity, and second chances. Lessons drawn include taking risks, offering support, and relying on God on difficult times.
On this continuation of the Courage series, pastor David covers the life of Thomas. Exploring Thomas' uncertainties and questions when dealing with the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, this sermon helps us understand what doubt is, its causes, and how we can deal with it.
Continuing the Courage Series, Brendon McMinn brings us a sermon based on the incredible story of Esther. Covering the whole book of Esther, this sermon explores many lessons around God's providence and His continuous work in our lives even in times of exile.
Ken Martin continues the Courage Series covering the life of Ezekiel. The sermon reflects on the call to be a watchman, national repentance, and God's restoration. Ultimately, it encourages finding courage in God's control, repentance, and the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit to renew the church.
Continuing the Courage Series, pastor Adrian takes us through the extraordinary life of Elijah. Exploring Elijah's remarkable courage such as calling fire from heaven as well as some of his failures, this sermon invites us to reflect on obedience to the Word of God despite fear, being doers of the Word and not just hearers.
Kicking off the Courage Series, pastor David brings an inspiring message based on the incredible story of Ruth. This sermon explores many lessons from the book of Ruth including the importance of responding to others in difficulty with kindness, trusting God in all circumstances, and unwavering obedience to Jesus.
On this sermon, pastor Alan sheds light on the topic of giving. Drawing from biblical teachings, he clarifies many of the misconceptions around this topic and answers some of the common questions involving tithe and offering in the modern church.
Pastor Dave takes us on a journey through the book of Philemon exploring many of the profound lessons in this inspiring letter written by Paul: prayer for each other, gratitude and support, love, empathy, sacrifice, reconciliation and forgiveness, refreshing, companionship, and faith.
Finishing up the Acts Series, pastor David preaches on Acts 27-28. This sermon examines Paul's inspiring journey from Caesarea to Rome, highlighting his faith and dedication to spreading the Gospel. Many lessons are drawn as the sermon explores the challenges faced by Paul at sea, some miraculous encounters, and the impact of Paul's discipleship.
Continuing the Acts Series, pastor David preaches on Acts 25-26 and the powerful testimony before King Agrippa. Through key scenes and characters, this sermon brings us many lessons involving God's sovereignty, the importance of staying focused on the mission, and how difficult circumstances can become divine appointments.
On this continuation of the Acts Series, pastor Adrian preaches on Acts 24. Drawing from Paul's trial before Felix in Caesarea, this sermon deals with procrastination and the urgency of repentance. It challenges us to reflect on our own response to repentance and encourages us to seize the present opportunity for salvation.
Continuing the Acts Series, pastor David preaches on Acts 22-23 with a focus on God's work on Paul's life. Exploring God's work in Paul's protection, in his purpose, and even in his peccability, this sermon encourages us to trust in God's work and purpose, finding assurance that He is actively involved in our lives, even in the midst of challenges.
On this continuation of the Acts Series, Pastor Adrian preaches on Acts 21 with a focus on the challenging journey of Paul to Jerusalem. Exploring Paul's unwavering commitment to Jesus amidst tough challenges, this sermon encourages us to defend the testimony of Christ, embrace the difficulties, and remain steadfast in our faith.
Continuing the Acts Series, pastor Adrian preaches on Acts 20 and the importance of diligence and obedience in ministry. The sermon discusses the significance of house churches in Ephesus and their relevance for us today, and the connection between love for Christ and obedience.
On this continuation of the Acts Series, pastor Adrian preaches on Acts 19 and the work of mission in the name of Jesus. This sermon highlights the importance of preaching to as many people as possible, making a spiritual impact, demonstrating wisdom and restraint, and the importance of worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth.
Continuing the Acts Series, pastor David preaches on Acts 18 where he discusses Paul's missionary journeys, ministry priorities, and the importance of companionship in ministry. This sermon highlights Paul's various companions and emphasizes the significance of networking in ministry, with the Lord being our supreme companion.
On this continuation of the Acts Series, pastor David preaches on Acts 17 and the importance of sharing the gospel message. This sermon explores Paul's Second Missionary Journey and his strategy for spreading Christianity, highlighting the consequences of preaching, and stressing that the message of the gospel is too important not to be shared.
On this traditional Easter Sunday sermon, pastor Adrian brings us a powerful message that challenges us to reflect on the true meaning of Easter. This sermon deals with sin's deadly grip, God's unending love for humanity, and the power of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus Christ.
On this traditional Good Friday sermon, pastor David reflects on Jesus' final statements on the cross, including his forgiveness, assurance of salvation, care for others, fulfillment of prophecies, and surrender to God. The sermon emphasizes the profound impact of Jesus' sacrifice and the message of hope and forgiveness it brings to the world.
On this traditional Palm Sunday sermon, pastor Adrian preaches about Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The sermon highlights the need to understand Jesus' ministry, and encouraged learning His commands, reading His Word, and seeking the perspective of the Holy Spirit for peace.
On this continuation of the Acts Series, Dylan takes us through Acts 16. With a focus on the incredible story of Paul and Silas's miraculously escape from prison, this sermon explores many of the lessons and challenges involved in making life decisions as a Christian and the importance of being guided by God.
Continuing the Acts Series, Pastor David takes us on a journey through Acts 15, where the early church encountered conflicts over whether Gentile believers should be required to keep the Jewish law. This passage offers us valuable insights into how Christians can navigate disagreements and divisions within the church.
Continuing the Acts Series, pastor Adrian preaches on Acts 13-14 and the early missionary stories of the church. With a focus on the incredible events of Paul and Barnabas' missionary journeys, this sermon explores many of the important lessons and challenges involved in preaching the Gospel.
Pastor David continues the Acts Series preaching on Acts 12 with a focus on the miraculous escape of Peter from prison. As David navigates us through some of the early persecution stories of the church involving key apostles, important discipleship lessons are outlined and apparent sensible topics are clarified.
On this continuation of the Acts Series, pastor Adrian preaches on Acts 11. This sermon explores how the Gospel transformed lives and grew the church, first in Jerusalem, then in Antioch. Through the stories of the early church, we see how God's power and presence are still at work in our lives and in our community today, building the Kingdom of God in Caboolture and beyond.
Dylan continues the Acts Series with a focus on Acts 10. This sermon explores how Jesus brought salvation to every nation, not just the Jews, and how God used Peter and a gentile named Cornelius to further the spread of the Gospel. Through this incredible story, we will see how God breaks down barriers and calls us to reach out to people from every nation, tribe, and tongue.
Pastor David continues the Acts Series with a focus on Acts 9. This message dives deep into the unlikely conversion of the apostle Paul, exploring his life before his transformation and how he became a Christian. Through this incredible story, we will see how God's grace can transform even the most unlikely people into powerful witnesses for Christ.
Pastor Adrian recommences the Acts Series with a powerful message on Acts 8. This sermon explores how the early Christians and Christians today face suffering and persecution, but how this is expected and serves to highlight the good news of the Gospel. Through their suffering, the early Christians were able to spread the message of salvation in Jesus to even more people, and we can do the same today.
Pastor Adrian Pratap preaches on Colossians 1:15-20 and the majesty of Christ as the Lord of the creation, the Lord of redemption, and the eternal God who is to be proclaimed to everyone.
Continuing the Acts Series, pastor David takes us on a journey through Acts chapters 6 and 7. David explores the life of Stephen, a man filled with the Spirit and wisdom of God, who remained steadfast in his faith proclaiming Christ boldly despite persecution.
In this sermon based on Acts chapter 5, pastor Adrian dives into the unyielding commitment of the early disciples to proclaim the truth. The sermon explores three key aspects: attacking the truth, avoiding the truth, and distraction from the truth. It encourages us to proclaim Christ even in the face of adversity.
On this instalment of the Acts Series, Dylan preaches on Acts 4 where he dives into the early believers' oneness of heart and their selfless sharing of possessions. This sermon explores how the priorities of the early church were God, people, and possessions, and how this contrasts with our contemporary focus on personal prosperity and programs today.
On this instalment of the Acts Series, pastor David preaches on Acts chapter 3 where he dives into Peter's journey of prayer, focus, and witnessing. This sermon explores valuable lessons about God-arranged interruptions, the impact of prayer, surrendering to God, and seizing opportunities.
Continuing the Acts Series, pastor Adrian preaches on Acts 2 where he explores how through the Spirit's empowerment, the disciples spoke boldly, preached repentance, and experienced joy. They devoted themselves to learning, fellowship, and communal living, displaying love and generosity. So should we.
Kicking off the Acts Series, pastor Adrian brings us a sermon on Acts 1 where he discusses the profound message of being empowered by the Holy Spirit to become effective witnesses for Christ. He also explores our role to faithfully testify to what we have seen, sharing the message of repentance and forgiveness that we have personally experienced. Him we proclaim!