Him we proclaim. Colossians 1:28.

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"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ."

Part 2 - The Gospel according to Mark

Three voices declare who Jesus is—John the Baptist, an unclean spirit, and even a voice from heaven—but what does this mean for us today? With authority over spirits and an invitation to follow, how should we respond to His call? Is the kingdom closer than we think?

Small avatar of sermon author Dyan Flood

Dyan Flood

Part 1 - The Gospel according to Mark

Who do you say Jesus is? Mark’s Gospel presents Jesus as no ordinary man - He's the Messiah, the Son of God, whose arrival was foretold by prophets and confirmed by John the Baptist. But if Jesus is truly who He claims to be, how should we respond to this life-altering truth?

Small avatar of sermon author David Herron

David Herron

Do you need prayer?

If you are struggling with a personal challenge, illness, financial difficulty, relationship problems, or any other hardship, we invite you to share your prayer request with us. Our praying ministry is here to pray for you and offer words of comfort and hope.

Request Prayer