Part 9 - The Gospel according to Mark
Who are we in Jesus' parable of the vineyard—faithful stewards or rebellious tenants? God has sent His Son, the cornerstone, to offer light and life. Will we embrace the truth or reject it? The kingdom is near—how will you respond to its call?

Dyan Flood
Transcript (Auto-generated)
Let's open with a word of prayer would you join me dear heavenly father we thank you that we can gather together this morning Lord we thank you that we can hear from your word and our prayer this morning is that you would be at work in our hearts Lord that you would reveal to us what it is that you want to say to each and every one of us and help us to respond we pray in the name of Jesus Christ amen good morning my name is Dylan I'm one of the pastors here and this morning you may have noticed I've already been asked where the school's coming back can I get the Whiteboard up here please team um no it's not but it is school holidays okay and one of the things that I've noticed is as I get older thank you as I get older I realize that old people are just kids in bigger bodies right cuz I haven't matured a little bit I'm I'm still still the same old little Dylan that there was years ago thank you and so can I invite all the kids if you're in school of any age please come down please come down this morning won't be half as fun if you're not here the whole front rows reserve for you you're welcome to be here you're welcome to sit on the floor come nice and close yeah come on ell you're invited all all my youth anyone you can bring Mom and Dad if you're nervous and don't worry if they're not up the front we'll still call on them they'll want to be involved while they're coming up we're continuing our series through the gospel of Mark this morning if you've got your Bibles there we're looking at Mark 12 and in particular verses 1 to2 but also briefly touching on verses um 1 through to 17 but to start with how are we all good you have my full permission to talk back to me okay how are we good that's good are we excited to be on school holidays yeah for all the adults we're all children of God we're all little kids inside as well so this morning's sermon is very specifically targeted for our young people but I'm hoping that you'll be able to get something there as well what we're going to do this morning is we we're going to be judges do we reckon we can do that are we good at judging good and bad right and wrong yeah okay I'm going to invite Z up she's going to be our stickera extraordinaire yeah do you want to pull out the first one so the way that this works is I've got numbers 1 through to 10 here and a big red line okay I'll move this out of the way and the way that this works is the top half is good and the bottom half's bad right and so we've got some fictional characters on the back of this board that Z is going to show us and we need to decide how good they are so one being the best of the best like these are the people that you want to Aspire to be and 10 being the worst of the worst okay people that if you saw at the shopping center you'd want to walk away from okay does that make sense yeah all right what's our first one okay Superman where where do we where do we judge Superman where where's he sitting three I've got three any movement on three number one four five okay okay group group consensus number one oh number two number three okay number four number five I'm not going to go any lower than that number three for Superman okay all right so Superman's middle of the good group okay who's next oh Bowser okay everyone is familiar with the Mario games super villain always capturing Peach where would we put Bowser G give me a show of fingers eight 8 seven eight six seven 10 all right let's go all let's let's keep it even okay number eight wow we've got a lot of range in between okay what's the next one the suspense o Elsa Frozen Let Let It Go oh Elliot's saying 10 we don't like Elsa Okay number six okay six 10 10's really bad do we not like Elsa or 10 10 or one five one let let's go five because there's some very big range there okay well I wasn't expecting a 10 for Elsa that's impressive I think I will all right Buzz Lightyear to infinity and beyond where where are we four 10 9 10 6 4 all right Hands Up for four in the front yeah hands up for above four okay that means lower six seven 4 is H all righty who we got next we're getting a bit of a list up here Bluey where's Bluey one two oh we've got another 10 one two okay what what do we reckon number one or number two hands up for one okay number two yeah okay number two wins Blue's ranking higher than Superman I have to confess I don't think I've ever watched a full episode of blue but after this I might have to 7 minutes okay I I guess I will who we got next Thanos 10 10 that was unanimous 10 okay World Destroyer down the bottom Spiderman oo six six six yeah unanimous Sixers okay I feel like there's more sixes six it is yeah I'll stick this you can get the next one if you like man Spider-Man below Elsa way below Superman all right Loki I mean on the one hand he did do terrible things on the other hand he saved the Multiverse seven eight Eight's taken you can't pick eight seven seven yeah okay seven it is okay two more we better hope we don't have two really bad guys here that would really suck oh Mr Potato Head number one one's unanimous Mr Potato head's at the top [Applause] man I need to get me a removable nose and ears that's fantastic all right who's our last one the Joker I feel like that's a natural fit okay number nine number nine okay so what we've done that good job thank you can we give the young ones a round of applause I'm slightly surprised but I think that's a good list I think think that's a good list what we've done there is we've judged right where these people would sit on a good scale and a bad bad scale but I've got one more question for you and we're not going to have to piece it in I'll I'll put where I think I am okay but we've got one more person here and that's you in the midst of all of this where would you place yourself in the middle okay see I'm no Mr Potato Head I don't know blue but apparently all the Rave definitely not Superman I I I'll be honest I think I'm a slight above Elsa I didn't sing Let It Go um so I I would place myself about here um but where would you place yourself in that list right if you were to think about oh but see I'm not better than Spider-Man so maybe I'm lower I'm just above but let's be optimistic let's say I'm up there okay thank you Z you can sit down that that's brilliant this has all been a bit of fun because these are all fictional characters right but sometimes in life we can judge others real people that we know that we relate with a bit like this we can take our immediate friends and family and start to go well they're probably the best person I know they're the worst person I know and so I'll place these people in here and I'm I'm kind of in the middle here or I'm way up here however you do it but we can judge others in real life a little bit like this and the problem with that is sometimes we can feel like we're better than other people we can have a bit of a sense of Pride we can go well at least I'm not as bad as insert name maybe we can say I'm better than these people look at me go we can pump ourselves up we're going to come back to this in a minute so don't forget what we've done there but if it's all right with you I'd like i' like to read a bit of a story that Jesus told and he told it to the chief priests to the scribes and to the elders after they challenged his authority that Jesus came into Jerusalem they challenged who he said he was and and whether or not he had the ability to do some of the things he claimed that he was doing and parents adults if you got your Bibles there mark 1212 and just the warning I am going to adapt it slightly so please do read the um original NIV version will be up there but I'm going to adapt it for the kids but keep the story true okay Jesus tells this story to the people he says a man wanted to be the very best gra Farm owner ever because he wanted to dominate the world's grape juice factory right he wanted to be the person you know how coat sort of the go-to sof drink he wanted to be that except for grape juice okay and so he put the work in he planted all the grapes for the grape farm he put a big fence around it to make sure it was safe he dug a big pit so that they could crush the grapes to make the grape juice and then he built a tower and he rented it he leased it to some Farmers okay he went I'm not going to be here to manage this but you Farmers you can rent this you can lease you can work in the vineyard you can make the juice you can do the work you can have most of the reward but I still own it all I'll be back for some of the fruit and when season came so he he went off to another country when the season came for the grapes to be ripe he sent one of his servants to the farmers to get some of the fruit of the grap farm that makes sense doesn't it but when the saw him the servant that the master had sent they took him and beat him and sent him away empty-handed the servant went back to the master and went they wouldn't give me anything so again the master the owner sent another servant but this time when the farmers saw saw him they struck him down they treated him shame shamefully and they sent him away so this second servant he comes back to the own he's like it's not getting any better like they're not giving us any of the fruit so the owner sends a third servant and this time when the farmers see him they take him and they kill him after a period of time the owner realizes that his servant isn't coming back puts together what's going on but he still had another so he sent more servants one after the other after the other to the farm to try and collect some of the fruit that was rightfully his but each time the farmers would either beat them or kill them until the owner the master only had one person left to send finally this last person the owner's beloved Son was sent and the owner thought he said they will surely respect my son I'll send them to him they'll give him the fruit they'll respect my son but the farmers said to one another as they saw the son approaching this is the heir of the owner come let us kill him and The Inheritance the farm that we work will be ours and so they took him and killed him and threw him out into the great field what will the owner of the Great Farm do will he not come and kill the tenants and give the vineyard to others here we have this story that Jesus is telling to the scribes and the people who are accusing him so I've got to ask each of us here this morning who wants to be a great farmer when they grow up one not not many of us right so if no one wants to be a great farmer I doubt many in the there were had Ambitions of being a great farmer why does Jesus tell this story how is it meaningful for you and I today how does it relate to any of this well to do this we're going to attribute some different characters to the characters in the story do we reckon we can do that yeah so let's have let's has it a guess who do we think we're going to get to play the owner of the vineyard biblical character probably the main character God we'll get God so so when when we read through this again the owner of the vineyard we're going to say is God okay so God is the owner of this gra farm and that makes sense because the owner here he created the entire grae farm right he planted all the seeds he built all the infrastructure it all belong to him and so who can tell me if God's going to be represented by the great farmer what has God created people anything else plants yes God did create plants any other thoughts what's God created everything in theti World literally everything in the entire world that's brilliant right that's the reality the Bible tells us that God created every single thing that incl includes me and it includes you and so that means that if God is the creator if in the story he is the owner of the great field then that tracks that makes sense he's created everything and so we know that God created everything and he created it good he created Humanity that is you and me to live in relationship with him and not only did he create Us in that way but he created us and everything and once was all created he gave you and me all of humanity authority over his creation and he gave us the the ability to make our own decisions so a little bit like the vineyard God created everything but then he lets other people take charge and work within it he gives Dominion of the earth that he created to humanity you you and I and so if that's the case it's probably not the character I would have picked if we weren't going down this track if if I was just going to pick a character to play if this is the case in this story if God is the owner if he's created everything then you and I all of humanity we are the farmers right we get to live and have authority to work within God's creation but see if we're the farmers in the story then that means that there's something wrong right no one can read this story and go man the the farmers they're great people the relationship between the owner and the farmer of the vineyard between God and us as humanity is broken it's not healthy and we're told in the story that the owner of the vineyard that is God sent servant after servant messenger after Messenger to the farmers to collect some of the fruit of his creation that was rightfully his but Time After Time After Time After Time the farmers used their ability to of free will to choose to disrespect to beat up and even kill God's Messengers and so we see that in the story there but if we're going to use God as the representation of the owner and if we're going to use Humanity as the farmers then who are the servants The Messengers that God's sending to us can anyone guess who has God sent to humanity Jesus yes he's he's the last messenger that's fantastic was there anyone that got sent before Jesus to warn Humanity to them of what was rightfully Gods Thanos no not quite that's a different story line Sorry prophets brilliant we look throughout the Old Testament and there's so many people that God sent with a message to remind his people that actually everything is his that he's created it and that he's designed it to function in a particular way some examples if we pull them out Noah Abraham Moses King David Elijah Elisha Jeremiah Daniel and finally Jesus the list goes on and on within the pages of the Old Testament of messenger after messenger after messenger that God sends to his people to remind them that hey this isn't actually yours I've given you dominion over it but it's my creation and it needs to function in a particular way I designed you to be in relationship with me and I think 2 Chronicles ver 36:1 15-6 does a really good job at summarizing an over overarching statement of how God's servants his Messengers have been received by Humanity it says the Lord the god of their ancestors sent word to them through his Messengers again and again like the servants he came back and back because he had pity on his people and on his Dwelling Place see God the owner saw that things weren't functioning how they should have he saw that things were falling apart and so he sent messenger after messenger after messenger but the farmers verse 16 of 2 Chronicles different context but they mocked God's Messengers despised his words and scoffed At His prophets until the Wrath of the Lord was aroused against his people and there was no remedy see there's a problem there's a disconnect in the relationship and I wonder whether you experienc this as well cuz I know it's a problem that I have and it's a problem that causes bad relationship between God and us and the problem the the key problem that we have is we try our very hardest truly believe that it would be better push God out of the picture to seize control of our own lives of everything in our lives and do things our way we truly believe that without God we would function well and things would be so much better than the way that he designed us to live but that causes problems and when we do this when we grasp control and push God out we reject him and the plan the design that he had for us when he created us we rebel against him and the way that we were called to live the Bible calls this sin and it separates us from God who is good let's do an experiment okay can everyone throw your hand up for me just one that's fine when I say something that resonates with you is true throw your hand down for me okay if you have ever told a single lie whether small or massive can you throw your hand down for me I feel like oh no they hands down that's okay I don't even have to go to my second example see the thing is that regardless of how big or small each and every one of us have sinned we've lived in a way that God didn't design us to live we chose to put ourselves in control rather than God and the Bible tells us that all have sinned so I'm glad everyone's hand did go down and all of us fall short of God's glory but here we sort of went okay there's good people and there's bad people but that's not what the Bible says happens see if the Bible is judging based on sin then rather than good and bad people there's those who sin and those who don't and the reality is as we've just seen that all of humanity is sinful and so rather than a straight up and down it's more like this where if this is the bar of goodness then even that smallest tiniest lie if that's the only sin we ever did we are no longer completely holy completely good and so we fall short of the standard of God this breaks our relationship with God and notice how everyone's on their side regardless of big or small sin each and every one of them is equally sinful they've all fallen short and so if that is the case it's fascinating that Jesus concludes this story with a question but then gives the answer straight away he says after the farmers after Humanity have killed messenger after messenger after they've disrespected and disobeyed everyone that I've sent them what then will the owner of the vineyard do he will come and kill the farmers and give the vineyard the grae farm to others and I don't know about you as as I was telling that story but the first time I read it I kind of went man the owner is a little bit silly like surely after the second guy that's been battered and bruised you wouldn't send a third guy and definitely not once you know that the third messenger's been killed surely you don't send another and another and another and another doing the same thing and expecting a different result surely that's just Madness and surely once all these bodies have been piled up beaten battered bruised and killed surely you don't send your son hopeful that they'll listen this time but the more that I sat with it the more I realized that it wasn't silliness on behalf of the owner he could have intervened at any time rather it was gracious patience to give the farmers every opportunity to turn from the wrong that they were doing and to make things right but what we see is whilst there's this long period of gracious patience there is a judgment does come the Bible tells us that God is a just God that there is a punishment for wrongdoing we all know that if you steal something you can go to jail right the Bible tells us that all sin will be dealt with and punished in fact it goes beyond that and it tells us what the punishment for sin even the smallest of Lies what that punishment is no matter how big or how small we may think sin is the punishment is death that doesn't seem very good when everyone's the down here from the get-go does it and yet the last messenger that the owner sent to the farmers was his son and likewise the last messenger that God sent to All of humanity was Jesus Christ his one and only son and it's interesting right that this is true but Jesus is also the one telling this story and so that means if we think about it for a moment that Jesus knew that he was the last son being sent and Jesus knew that he would be killed that he wouldn't be accepted that he would die on a cross and Jesus knew that this all had a bigger purpose and so it's important for us to consider what he says what this last message is for each and every one of us if we recap right back to the beginning of our journey through the Book of Mark Mark 1:15 it summarizes it highlights the message that Jesus was preaching as he was here on Earth he said the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is at hand repent turn away from your sin turn away from trying to do it all yourself and believe in the good news what was the good news that Jesus was talking about John 3:16 verse verse 16 to 21 a lot of you might know the beginning of this but there's a bit more to it says for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life for God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but in order that the world might be saved through him Jesus's death wasn't accidental it was done to pay the price of our sin the cost which was death Verse 18 whoever believes in him is not condemned but whoever does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only son of God and this is the Judgment the light has come into the world and the people loved the darkness rather than the light because their Works were evil for everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light lest his work should be exposed but whoever does what is true comes to the light so that it may be clearly seen that his Works have been carried out in God put very very simply Jesus is asked another question after he tells his story he summarizes this all beautifully he says give to God the things that are rightfully God's see Jesus died to pay the penalty of our sin but he also gave us free choice we can choose whether or not we accept this gift and so even though Thanos in our eyes was number 10 the worst of the worst if he accepted Jesus if he asked for forgiveness if he repented all of a sudden he's not there anymore and likewise if Bluey or if any one of these accepted Jesus's offer of forgiveness there's salvation it can be really tempting really tempting to try and put push God out of our Lives it can be really tempting to try and take control God I've got this better than you do your ways seem outdated I just want to live my life the way that I want to live it you don't even know Jesus was born 2000 and something years ago that's so dated it can be so tempting to push God out to think that we know what's better maybe I know there were times when I was your age maybe you didn't even want to come to the church this morning maybe you just wanted to watch Netflix or Bluey or play games whatever it is we have this tendency this temptation in so many areas to take control but the truth is that if God created everything everything is already his and so if we do that we may try to justify we may try to judge other people verdict and say well look I'm not as bad as those people who lie to their parents every day I'm not as bad as those people who murder and steal and do all those things I've never gone to jail I'm not that bad I'm not quite as good as like these mother theresas and and these really really good holy people but like I'm kind of up there the thing is the Bible tells us that when it comes to this matter there's only one judge and that judge is Jesus the Bible tells us that when Jesus returns he will be the one who judges each of us he will be the final say as to whether heaven or hell but it's not workspace see Jesus has one very clear very particular criteria do you know me have you accepted me as your lord and savior have you accepted my gift of forgiveness and salvation or haven't you so the reality is that from the moment we're born we're all here and each of us have a decision to make do we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior do we ask for forgiveness that only he can give or do we try and wrestle and take control of our own lives thinking that we know better that's where we're going to stop this morning but can I encourage you if you have questions if you want to talk about this more have a chat with mom or dad or me or Pastor Dave or any of the youth or kids club leaders that you come into contact with we'd we'd love to have this conversation with you and parents everyone else likewise if you're here for the first time if you're wrestling with this come and have a conversation but for the rest of us let's not lose that childlike acceptance that Jesus is Lord that if we believe in him we are saved and very truly let's surrender to God what is already his would you pray with me Heavenly Father we thank you for the time we've been able to share this morning we thank you for Jesus Lord that he's not only the judge but he's also our Salvation Lord we thank you for the free gift of forgiveness and Lord we pray that for each and every one of us wherever we're at this morning you would to reveal yourself in a new way Lord if we've been a Christian for a while would you encourage us remind us that we are your children and Lord if we're on the fence would you give us the courage to go and speak to someone to have a conversation to dig into this deeper Lord we pray that you would just lead us by your Holy Spirit bless us and keep us until we meet again we pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.