Part 2 - The Gospel according to Mark

Three voices declare who Jesus is—John the Baptist, an unclean spirit, and even a voice from heaven—but what does this mean for us today? With authority over spirits and an invitation to follow, how should we respond to His call? Is the kingdom closer than we think?

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Dyan Flood


Transcript (Auto-generated)

Good morning church it's good to see you this morning thank you team thank you Liz for reading our passage this morning we know that the lord always blesses the reading of his word now I wonder if you've been coming to church for a little while you've probably heard whether myself a worship leader one of the pastors start is is somewhere within the opening time to say something like put aside your plans for tomorrow put aside the things that have happened during the week and we're going to just very intentionally focus in on God this morning put aside the distractions let's focus in on God this morning I'm going to do the opposite this morning and I'm going to ask you what does your day look like tomorrow what does your day look like tomorrow what what do you have planned beyond that what does this week look like for you for most of us there might be sleep food maybe work maybe it's a chill week maybe work's not so bad maybe you've got holidays brilliant maybe you've got some catch up with friends I don't know what's your week look like this week now what if you knew that at some point this week it was confirmed at some point this week Jesus was going to return some point this week Jesus is going to return would your week change as a result of this information and if so why if you knew that Jesus was going to come back within the next seven days would your plans for tomorrow for Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday next Sunday be altered at all would you pray with me Heavenly Father we thank you for for your word that we've heard read just before Lord we thank you that you've given us your holy scriptures and Lord as we dive into them this morning we pray that you would lead and guide each of us by your Holy Spirit Lord God that you would speak to each of us Lord and that you would just prepare our hearts not only to hear from you but to respond this morning we pray in the name of Jesus Christ amen we'll come back to that but if you were here last week you'll know that we're into our new series for term four Dave kicked us off last week and we're traveling through the gospel of Mark and as we do this as we travel through the gospel of Mark we're trying to orientate ourselves through the question that Jesus asked his disciples a very important question in Mark 8:29 who do you say I am as Dave mentioned last week as he launched the series this is a good question for each of us to wrestle with all of us need to consider this question at some point in Our Lives who do we say that Jesus is we need to come up with an answer for that and as we looked at the very first part of Mark last week we saw three claims to answer this question Dave highlighted the author of The Book of Mark made an extraordinary claim that Jesus is the Messiah the Son of God as we read through we saw that John the Baptist makes a claim about who Jesus is he says he's the one more powerful than I the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie I baptize you with water but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit the third claim we got was from the voice of Heaven God the Father you are my son whom I love with you I am well pleased I thought brilliant we've got some claims what what will I be looking at this week as I went through to prepare for this week and saw the passage that was there as we approach this passage this morning we have a declaration of who Jesus is but it comes from somewhere unexpected see God the Father John the Baptist Mark the writer of this gospel there are all fairly renowned people right stand up stand up people I'd take their word for it but this morning we have an interesting one an unexpected claim of who Jesus is if you've got your Bibles there turn to Mark 1: 21-28 we're going to read this together and they went into Capernaum and immediately on the Sabbath he entered that's Jesus the synagogue and was teaching and they were astonished at his teaching for he taught them as one who had Authority and not as the scribes and immediately there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit and he cried out what have you to do with us Jesus of Nazareth have you come to destroy us I know who you are the Holy One Of God but Jesus rebuked him saying be silent and come out of him and the unclean Spirit convulsing him and crying out with a loud voice came out of him and they were all amazed so they questioned among themselves saying what is this a new teaching with authority he He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him and at once his Fame spread everywhere throughout all the surrounding region of Galilee in this morning's passage we get a claim of who Jesus is from an unclean Spirit what was his claim we have to remember given the context the spirit wasn't necessarily happy to see Jesus Rock up right we see that in his claim he says what have you to do with us in essence why are you here and how does he address him he says what do you have to do with this Jesus of Nazareth have you come to destroy us there's concern in this claim about who Jesus is have you come to destroy us I know who you are the Holy One of God I found it so fascinating in this declaration of who Jesus is from this unclean Spirit we have a theological truth has it start Jesus of Nazareth the unclean Spirit highlights that Jesus is fully human this is a fully human person who has come from the town of Nazareth that's how all the people in the synagogue would have seen him as well you are Jesus of Nazareth you are a human born of flesh and blood from this place but he goes on he goes I know who you are the Holy One Of God see the unclean Spirit was able to see that Jesus is both fully man and fully God and his concern was right are you here to destroy us see put yourself in that situation you're in the synagogue right those who were in there they would have seen Jesus as fully human and yet even as a fully human man they recognize that Jesus has Authority we see it in his teaching the crowds are amazed keep in mind they come to synagogue all the time they hear lots of teaching and they go this Jesus guy he's got Authority like we've never seen it he teaches the Bible with authority he knows what he's talking about even the scribes they don't have this level of authority and they come to see what the unclean Spirit also states that Jesus has Spiritual Authority as well he's got authority over the spiritual he's got power to destroy and command even the unclean spirits verse 27 and they were all amazed so they question among themselves saying what is this a new teaching with authority He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him the this claim from the unclean Spirit shows Jesus as fully man fully God it fascinates me that we've got this in scripture it's fantastic and so I asked us this morning if we knew that Jesus was coming back this week how would our weeks change would they change a little bit a lot if we were to believe in the confessions of Jesus that we've had so far from Mark that he is the Messiah the Son of God from John the Baptist that he is the one more powerful who will baptize us with the holy spirit from God the Father this is my son whom I love and with whom I am well pleased from this unclean spirit that this Jesus of Nazareth is the Holy One Of God if we believe all of these confessions then it's important for us to consider what we say about Jesus who is Jesus to us who do we say that he is because here are these four confessions and so if this Jesus was to return in the next seven days what would our week look like let's assume for the sake of this sermon let's assume that every single one of these claims is accurate if that's the case then it's really valuable for us this morning to take a look at the first recorded words of Jesus in The Gospel of Mark now these aren't the first words Jesus ever said there was a lot that was said it's not even the first words in every single gospel but these are the first words that the author of Mark thought necessary to record for others to read Mark 1:14 to20 says this now after John was arrested that's John the Baptist Jesus came into galile proclaiming the gospel of God and saying the time time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe in the gospel passing along the side the Sea of Galilee he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea for they were fishermen and Jesus said to them follow me and I will make you become fishes of men and immediately they left their Nets and followed him and going on a little further he saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother who were in their boat mending the Nets and immediately he called them and they left their father zebede in the boat with the hired servants and followed him would your plans change tomorrow this week if you knew that this Jesus was going to return if we're being honest okay let's be honest with one another if you're a non-Christian in the room okay if you're still wrestling with whether Jesus means anything whether he is who he says he is or whether he's a liar or a lunatic that's okay but if we're being honest if you knew that Jesus was going to show up within the next seven days it sort of wouldn't be good enough to say I'll deal with this whole God thing on my deathbed I I'll figure out I'll put the time into it when that happens CU there's a sense of urgency now if Jesus comes in the next seven days I got to get this sorted I need to wrestle I need to understand I need to decip for myself who do I say that Jesus is let's continue with the honesty if you're a Christian sitting here in the room if you believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior you're probably a little bit excited but once again if we're being honest and we know that Jesus is going to return within the next seven days we're probably going to be extra intentional in making sure that our relationship with him is healthy right if we know that Jesus is coming in the next seven days we're not just going to forget to read our Bible or forget to pray forget to spend time with Jesus we're going to be making sure that our relationship is sturdy with Jesus there would be an urgency there and sadly I want to humbly suggest feel free to disagree but I want to humbly suggest that it's all too easy to lose the sense of urgency that we see Jesus expressing in these first words of Mark's gospel what were his first words notice he didn't say Behold The King om of God is coming he didn't say the kingdom of God is planted when it grows it's going to be amazing he didn't say the kingdom of God will arrive insert whatever you want there he said the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe in the gospel can I urge you if you're not a Christian in the room if you're still wrestling with this it's good to do so but don't put it off in fact I challenge you this week ask as many questions of your Christian friends as you want come and see me ask you questions let's wrestle through this together Matthew 24:36 one of the other gospels records Jesus saying but about that day or hour no one knows when Jesus will return probably won't be this week probably won't be the next seven days but about that day or hour no one knows it could be tomorrow not even the angels in Heaven nor the son but only the father if you don't clearly know who you say Jesus is this morning don't mess around with it don't put it off till you're old and gray and on your deathbed you may not get there and if you're a Christian here this morning myself included there's still a sense of urgency see you and I we don't have to wait until death and we don't have to wait until Jesus comes again to enter into the kingdom of God if you've got your Bibles let's turn to Luke 17 20-21 once again these are the words of Jesus recorded in another gospel being asked by the Pharisee when the kingdom of God would come he answered them this is Jesus's words the kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed nor will they say look here it is or there for behold the kingdom of God is in the midst of you church we live in the now and not yet what do I mean by that then now and not yet Jesus's words are the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God God is here and yet there's coming a day when Jesus will return sin will be judged and dealt with and the fullness of God's kingdom will be realized in fullness what does that mean for you and me well if we're a Christian if we receive the Holy Spirit we are citizens of Heaven are we not and so if we are citizens of heaven then we are a part of God's kingdom and so very truly we don't have to wait the kingdom of God is here and now and it is coming when we gather together as church when we live how God has called us to live we get a glimpse of what it's like in God's kingdom very truly as Christians we should be living as part of God's kingdom knowing full well that this side of Eternity it is just a glimpse of the fullness of God's kingdom that will will be revealed when Jesus comes again the time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is at hand and so if this is true then how should we respond what should tomorrow or this week or next week actually look like if you're here this morning if you're wrestling with this if you're not a Christian I want you to hear these words from Jesus he says the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe in if you've been coming for a little while and you exploring this idea of Christianity you've probably heard the word repent or repentance a lot and I want to get rid of any misconception see while it's good and appropriate for us to feel sorry for our sins repentance is not a feelings word it doesn't describe our feelings rather repentance is an action word quite often you'll see preachers describe this idea of repentance as a 180 a turning away from this and looking towards God I've used that myself but let's go a little bit deeper I want to share with you something that I was reading in my preparation this week it's from a scholar and I've changed some things to make it a little bit more appropriate for our situation I found it particularly helpful when it came to this idea of repentance he said repentance does not describe something we must do before we come to God it describes what coming to God is like if you are in Brisbane and I tell you to come to Kucha I don't really need to say to you leave Brisbane and come to Kucha because to come to Kucha is to leave Brisbane if you haven't left Brisbane you certainly can't come to Kucha because you're still in Brisbane likewise we can't come to the kingdom of God unless we leave our sinful selfish life and if you're a Christian here this morning you know that this side of Eternity we're going to need to repent a lot right but more than just a turning away more than just a 180 it's no good staying in this place and looking we not only have to turn we have to walk we need to be in the kingdom of God and to do so we need to leave behind the selfish sinful life that bides for our attenion Jesus tells us repent and believe in the gospel what does it mean to believe in the gospel well it's more than an intellectual concept right see I can read this Bible I can read the gospel of Mark and go you know what factually historically I believe that everything in there is accurate but that's surface level that's not what Jesus is saying when he says believe in the good news in the gospel see belief in the gospel means that our hearts must be able to rest and find ease is in the good news of Jesus more than just a head knowledge the intellectual is an important aspect but it's no good just being that to believe in the gospel is to believe with both head and heart and so if you're struggling with this idea of Christianity if you're not a Christian here this morning if you're not a Christian watching online if you're figuring this out can I invite you ask questions don't delay but know that Jesus's words are repent and believe in this good news if you're like me if you're a Christian here this morning what does this mean for us what does this mean for tomorrow for this week for next week Jesus's invitation to you and I is the same as his invitation to the disciples vers 17 he says follow me and I will make you fishes of men see if we repent if we believe the good news if we are in God's kingdom then we are invited into personal relationship with Jesus Christ how did John the Baptist describe his claim for Jesus he's the one who will give us the Holy Spirit very truly if you're a Christian here this morning you have the Holy Spirit indwell in you and we are invited to build our relationship with Jesus Christ each and every day not only are we citizens of Heaven not only do we belong to the kingdom of God which is alive and active now but we hold the promise that when Jesus returns the glimpse of God's kingdom that we experience this side of Eternity will be brought to fullness and so if you're a Christian here this morning there should be no Greater Joy No Greater urgency no greater priority tomorrow or this week or for the rest of our lives than following Jesus and growing in our relationship with him if you're a Christian here this morning we need to be growing in relationship with him and by doing so we're going to be participating in the work that he calls us to do namely we're going to be walking alongside our Brothers and Sisters in Christ encouraging one another not to look back to this world but to keep going to keep striving to keep growing in our relationship with God and we're going to be going out and sharing this good news with all of those who haven't heard it yet and so Church who do you say that Jesus is as you wrestle with this question as you reflect on how this changes tomorrow this week the months and years ahead Jesus says the time is fulfilled bu the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe in the gospel follow me and I will make you fishes of net would you pray with me Heavenly Father we thank you for Jesus we thank you for the good news the hope that we have in him that even while we were Sinners he died for us he paid the price of our sin that we might be able to have relationship with you that we might be able to become citizens of Heaven Lord God we thank you that it's by the power of your holy spirit that we are sustained that we are able to walk in obedience with you father God we thank you that Christianity isn't a checklist of what I have and haven't done today but rather it's a relationship with our real and living God Lord we pray that as we go out from today that you would help each and every one of us to wrestle with this question who do we say Jesus is and based on that answer what are you leading us what are you calling us to do with about it we pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.